Topics > Financial Management & Budgets
Guide to Retirement for Sustainable Income in Retirement
$59.00 (1 section available)
The guide to Retirement course is designed to help those planning for retirement and those already retired learn the various pitfalls one may face in retirement and strategies to help you better go through and prepare for retirement. The good news is that many are entering retirement with substantial monies in investments and retirement accounts. The bad news is that the rules associated with how to take distributions from those accounts are complex and not well understood. We will discuss the four phases of retirement and how to effectively plan for each, what you need to know about your retirement accounts and how distribution planning for retirement is different from accumulating for retirement. Join us to learn various ways to help prepare for a retirement life free from financial concerns.
Personal Finance
$149.00 (2 sections available)
Do you have clear financial goals? Are you confident you will be able to retire someday? How can be sure you are making the right investments? Do you know how to change your credit report to reduce your expenses and increase your financial security? Lear to protect your assets and discover how best to achieve all your financial goals.
Where Does My Money Go?
$149.00 (2 sections available)
Ever get frustrated that you never seem to get ahead? Are you and your family constantly arguing about money? Do you ever wonder where your money went last month? Do you have trouble saving money? Want to work on paying down your debt but don't know where to find the money? This course will teach you the very basics of how to get control of your finances rather than letting them control you.