Topics > Financial Management & Budgets
Guide to Retirement for Sustainable Income in Retirement
$59.00 (2 sections available)
The guide to Retirement course is designed to help those planning for retirement and those already retired learn the various pitfalls one may face in retirement and strategies to help you better go through and prepare for retirement. The good news is that many are entering retirement with substantial monies in investments and retirement accounts. The bad news is that the rules associated with how to take distributions from those accounts are complex and not well understood. We will discuss the four phases of retirement and how to effectively plan for each, what you need to know about your retirement accounts and how distribution planning for retirement is different from accumulating for retirement. Join us to learn various ways to help prepare for a retirement life free from financial concerns.
Please call 412-788-7535 for the link to the Zoom class for the Tuesday 1/21/25 offering.
Personal Finance
$149.00 (3 sections available)
Do you have clear financial goals? Are you confident you will be able to retire someday? How can be sure you are making the right investments? Do you know how to change your credit report to reduce your expenses and increase your financial security? Lear to protect your assets and discover how best to achieve all your financial goals.
Retirement Planning
$69.00 (1 section available)
In this course you'll learn How to: manage investment risks, use new tax laws to your Advantage, make informed decisions about your company retirement plan, and adjust your estate plan to function properly under the new laws. However, money is only one aspect of retirement planning. This course blends financial education with life planning to help you build wealth, align your money with your values, and achieve your retirement lifestyle goals. This course includes a 225-page illustrated textbook. Couples may attend together for a single registration fee.
Social Security--What You Need to Know
$45.00 (3 sections available)
Boomers close to retirement need to know, now more than ever, about Social Security. There is so much more than deciding whether to take benefits at 62 or 66. This "safety net" is a guaranteed, inflation-protected source of income in retirement, and boomers should know how it works and how it fits into their future retirement income streams. In this informative seminar they will learn about the role of social security in your overall retirement plan. Topics include how it works, boosting benefits by increasing current earnings, strategies for maximizing lifetime benefits, coordinating spousal benefits, special issues for women, taxes on benefits, Medicare and long-term care, related programs and the mechanics, history and financing of the Social Security system.
Want to Retire Early and Don't Know What to Do About Health Coverage?
$45.00 (1 section available)
Voluntarily walking away from a productive career presents early retirees with a number of weighty considerations. One of the first: health insurance. For Individuals who retire prior to age 65, when Medicare eligibility begins, need to find alternate options to cover medical, hospitalization and prescription drug costs. Health insurance premiums can chew up a considerable chunk of post-retirement income. Consequently, retirees under the age of 65 must examine all reasonable outlets for coverage, balancing cost with benefits, provider networks and plan design. The good news is you have options. Discover some health care options that may work for you!
Where Does My Money Go?
$149.00 (3 sections available)
Ever get frustrated that you never seem to get ahead? Are you and your family constantly arguing about money? Do you ever wonder where your money went last month? Do you have trouble saving money? Want to work on paying down your debt but don't know where to find the money? This course will teach you the very basics of how to get control of your finances rather than letting them control you.
Your Retirement Made Simple
$55.00 (1 section available)
This course is designed as a comprehensive personal finance course for those in the early stages of retirement or those preparing to retire. It addresses pitfalls to avoid, difficult retirement decisions, and other essential information.