Saturday, December 21, 2024

Preparation for Divorce, Avoiding Financial Disaster

Every spouse going through the divorce process asks him/herself the same question: Will I be OK after I am divorced? This course will help you make sound financial decisions in your divorce process and help you to successfully navigate the murky financial waters of divorce. Topics of discussion will include: What method of divorce is best for you and your spouse--mediation vs. litigation vs. collaborative? How to craft a fair financial agreement, including taxes, personal assets, retirement assets, pensions, rental property, debt, income, post-divorce living expenses, alimony and child support. This course will help spouses considering divorce and, also, currently in the divorce process. You will leave this session with a good overall understanding of the best method for you to become divorced and all the considerations that go into crafting a fair and equitable divorce settlement.

Section Location Start-End Date Day(s) Start-End Time Faculty Price
YEB-028-1210 Allegheny Campus 1/25/2025 S
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Bouma, Janet $45.00

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