Monday, April 22, 2024
Topics > General Interest

Basic Backyard Gardening
$45.00 (1 section available)
You want to garden, but you do not know where to begin. You have been gardening for a while but with little success! This class is for you. Learn how to choose what type of garden you want, select a garden site, choose your plants, purchase your materials and plant and care for your garden. We'll also cover everything from raised bed design and construction to companion planting, edible landscaping, and more.

Get Funny!
$149.00 (4 sections available)
The ability to create humor is a skill many people don't have, yet wish they did. If you're interested in learning how to come up with jokes or witticisms on the fly, punch up dull material for an audience, or make a living as a comedy writer, this course will get you going. Learn how to use humor to speak more effectively, write better, and increase your popularity.

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