Friday, July 26, 2024

Want to Retire Early and Don't Know What to Do About Health Coverage?

Voluntarily walking away from a productive career presents early retirees with a number of weighty considerations. One of the first: health insurance. For Individuals who retire prior to age 65, when Medicare eligibility begins, need to find alternate options to cover medical, hospitalization and prescription drug costs. Health insurance premiums can chew up a considerable chunk of post-retirement income. Consequently, retirees under the age of 65 must examine all reasonable outlets for coverage, balancing cost with benefits, provider networks and plan design. The good news is you have options. Discover some health care options that may work for you!

Section Location Start-End Date Day(s) Start-End Time Faculty Price
YCH-028-1451 North Campus 10/3/2024 R
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Johnstone, Jeffrey $45.00

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