Sunday, December 22, 2024
Topics > Music > Course Information

Music Made Easy

You'll explore the keyboard in full detail, with an emphasis on the structure of major scale and the signatures of major keys. You will examine the many significant contributions early music theorists made to the understanding of music and be able to build intervals, major scales, and chords. By the time you complete this comprehensive and full-featured course, you'll be able to read, write, and even play simple pieces of music!

Section Location Start-End Date Day(s) Start-End Time Faculty Price
YOL-268-1307 Online ED2GO 1/15/2025 - 2/21/2025 MTWRF
YOL-268-1308 Online ED2GO 2/12/2025 - 3/21/2025 MTWRF
YOL-268-1309 Online ED2GO 3/12/2025 - 4/18/2025 MTWRF
YOL-268-1310 Online ED2GO 4/16/2025 - 5/23/2025 MTWRF
YOL-268-1311 Online ED2GO 5/14/2025 - 6/20/2025 MTWRF

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