Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Topics > Sports and Recreations > Course Information

Golf Beginning

Explore the fundamentals of beginning golf. Emphasis will be placed on grip, stance and swing fundamentals as well as chipping and putting. Rules and etiquette will also be discussed. Bring an iron, wood and a putter to class. In addition to tuition paid to CCAC, golf courses carry additional range and ball fees payable to the sites at the first class.

Section Location Start-End Date Day(s) Start-End Time Faculty Price
YFD-910-1480 Scally's Golf Course 4/7/2025 - 5/12/2025 M
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Boehm, Kenneth $69.00
YFD-910-1481 Scally's Golf Course 4/8/2025 - 5/13/2025 T
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Kurp, William $69.00
YFD-910-1482 Scally's Golf Course 4/9/2025 - 5/14/2025 W
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Firmstone, Noah $69.00
YFD-910-1483 Scally's Golf Course 4/12/2025 - 5/17/2025 S
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Firmstone, Noah $69.00

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