Speed Spanish
Imagine yourself speaking, reading and writing Spanish. Now you can with Speed Spanish! This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Spanish pronto. You'll learn six easy recipes for gluing Spanish words together to form sentences. In no time at all, you'll be able to go into any Spanish speaking situation and converse in Spanish. Que' Bueno! After payment/registration, please go to our Education to Go online instruction center at http://www.ed2go.com/ccac We suggest you bookmark this address for easier access to your online classroom. Please also enroll in your course in the online instruction center to confirm your registration and establish your classroom link. COMPETENCIES/SKILLS TO BE LEARNED 1.By applying the Recipe Methodology, students learn how to become fluent. 2.Students learn Recipe #2 and learn to create sentences. 3.By combining Recipe #1 with Recipe #2, students learn to produce complex sentences. 4.Students learn Recipe #3 and learn to generate "Where is....?" questions. 5.Students learn to use adjectives framed up against Recipes #1,2,3. 6.Students learn to rapport talk in Spanish. 7.Students practice their 3 Recipes and fun phrases in Spanish-speaking situations. 8.Students learn Recipe #4 and learn to produce "Wh-questions." 9.Students learn to communicate internal states of health and emotion. 10.Students learn Recipe #5 and more verbs. 11.Student learn Recipe #6 and more fun phrases.