Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Topics > Health Careers > Course Information

Nurse Aide Training

This 245 hours of instruction time for the Nurse Aide Training Program is designed to: include a variety of required and necessary topics designed to instruct the prospective Nurse Aide concerning their role in various aspects of long term patient care. Instruction is accomplished using a variety of instructional methods and informational sources including a curriculum approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and is directed at presenting the role of the Nurse Aide including legality and promotion of residents rights, external standards, communication, infection control, basic body systems, external standards within the chain of command, effects of aging and disease on body systems, measures to promote independence and rehabilitation and understanding mental health and social service needs of patients, both short and long term. Clinical instruction is supervised and designed around several units planned to instruct the prospective nurse aide in their role in resident care under the direct suprevision of a registered nurse within the parameters of individualized interdisciplinary care. Instruction is accomplished through a curriculum approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in a clinical setting directed at demonstrating basic emergency procedures, providing resident care and hygiene needs, managing resident environment for safety and comfort, demonstrating principles of restorative care, nutrition, food preparation, feeding and infection control, identify psycho-social characteristics of the elderly, and preparation for death and dying.

There are currently no active sections for this course.

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