Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Topics > Arts, Crafts & Music > Course Information

Photography 102

Build on what you learned in Photography 101 by taking your photography to the next level. Do you know that a very good photograph can be created with the simplest of camera-even a disposable film camera-in the hands of a knowledgeable and creative photographer? Learn how to use your camera as a creative tool by combining the creative effects learned in Photography 101 with higher level composition and artistic forms to create better photographs. Learn what photographic tools are necessary and those that are not while learning more advanced camera and field techniques. The course covers everything necessary from choosing and using the right photographic tools to learning and applying more advanced camera and field techniques to create compelling photographs. Students need only their dSLR, tripod, creativity and a desire to learn photographic "secrets". One session will be a field workshop. Prerequisite: Photography 101 or equivalent experience.

There are currently no active sections for this course.

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