Sunday, December 22, 2024
Topics > Academic Skills > Course Information

Math Refresher

Math can be incredibly useful - but only if you understand how and when to apply it in your everyday life. This course will show you how to use math to your advantage. You will learn how to calculate percentages, including the proper amount to pay in tips, commissions, taxes, and discounts. You will find out how to calculate interest rates and you will develop a better understanding of mortgages, credit cards, and other types of loans.

Section Location Start-End Date Day(s) Start-End Time Faculty Price
YOL-267-1307 Online ED2GO 1/15/2025 - 2/21/2025 MTWRF
YOL-267-1308 Online ED2GO 2/12/2025 - 3/21/2025 MTWRF
YOL-267-1309 Online ED2GO 3/12/2025 - 4/18/2025 MTWRF
YOL-267-1310 Online ED2GO 4/16/2025 - 5/23/2025 MTWRF
YOL-267-1311 Online ED2GO 5/14/2025 - 6/20/2025 MTWRF

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